13:15-14:30 (CET) - Session Papers
Chair: Miguel Ángel Conde
Link to
the session / Enlace a la sesión
How are Learning Analytics
Considering the Societal Values of Fairness,
Accountability, Transparency and Human Well-being? - A Literature Review
(Full paper)
Eyad Hakami and Davinia Hernandez-Leo
Tracking the Students'
Learning Behavior for Cybersecurity Scenarios (Full
Antonio Uzal Almansa, Llanos Tobarra Abad, Alejandro Utrilla
Pascual, Antonio Robles-Gómez, Rafael Pastor Vargas and Roberto Hernández
Combining clustering and
sequential pattern mining to detect behavioral
differences in log data: conceptualization and case study (Full
Juan Antonio Martínez-Carrascal, Elena Valderrama and Teresa
15:45-16:00 (CET) - Virtual
Coffee & Informal Chat
16:00-17:00 (CET) - Session Papers
Chair: Ruth Cobos
Link to
the session / Enlace a la sesión
Towards rewards-based
gamification in Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns
based on learning analytics (Full paper)
Rene Lobo, Alejandro Ortega-Arranz and Davinia Hernández-Leo
Visualizing Educational Game
Data: A Case Study of Visualizations to Support
Teachers (Full paper)
Pedro A. Martinez, Manuel J. Gomez, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente,
Gregorio Martínez Pérez and Yoon Jeon Kim
Self and Peer Monitoring during
Peer Feedback: The Instructor Perspective
(Short paper)
Erkan Er
17:15-18:30 (CET) - Doctoral
Chair: Yannis Dimitriadis
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the session / Enlace a la sesión
Contributions to real-time
monitoring and analysis of heterogeneous learning
Lucía Uguina-Gadella
Detecting patterns of Socially
Shared Regulation of Learning in Smart
Learning Environments
Cristina Villa-Torrano
Design of gameful learning
activities across social planes using
René Lobo
Assessing wellbeing impacts of
Learning Analytics systems
Eyad Hakami
13:15-14:30 (CET) - Session Papers
Chair: Ainhoa Álvarez Arana
Link to
the session / Enlace a la sesión
Specifying information
dashboards’ interactive features through meta-model
instantiation (Full paper)
Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, Francisco José García Peñalvo, Roberto
Theron and Alicia García-Holgado
A proposal for Monitoring the Intervention
Strategy on the learning of MOOC learners (Full paper)
Ruth Cobos and Juan Soberon
Conceptual framework for
process-oriented feedback through Learning
Analytics Dashboards (Short paper)
Iñigo Arriaran Olalde and Nagore Ipiña Larrañaga
15:45-16:00 (CET) - Virtual
Coffee & Informal Chat
16:00-17:00 (CET) - Session Papers
Chair: Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Link to
the session / Enlace a la sesión
Early prediction of students'
efficiency during online assessments using a Long-
Short Term Memory architecture (Full paper)
Cristina Villa-Torrano, Miguel Bote-Lorenzo, Juan Ignacio Asensio-
Pérez and Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez
An Initial Analysis of Prediction
Techniques as a Support for the Flipped
Classroom (Short paper)
Aarón Rubio-Fernández, Pedro Manuel Moreno-Marcos, Pedro José
Muñoz-Merino and Carlos Delgado Kloos
Looking for a dropout predictor
based on the instructional design of online
courses (Short paper)
Salvador Ros and Agustín Caminero
17:00-18:00 (CET) -
Panel –
Analíticas de Aprendizaje en América Latina
Chair: Pedro J. Muñoz Merino
Link to
the session / Enlace a la sesión
Diseño de una
herramienta de analítica de aprendizajes para apoyar la mejora continua
curricular (Isabel Hilliger)
Analítica del
aprendizaje para apoyar las estrategias de autorregulación de los
estudiantes en el aprendizaje en línea (Ronald Pérez Álvarez)
¿Una solución para
todos?: La experiencia de implementar un sistema de consejerías
académicas en tres universidades latinoamericanas (Margarita
18:00 (CET) - Closing session